Future Health Care and Pharma Keynote Speaker
The near hysterical reaction to calls for health rationing is not because people are interested in the health of the nation but because they are afraid of their own future, afraid of diseases such as cancer and afraid of old age. Who will be there to care for me when I am dying and alone?
Read more: Doctors playing God - the truth about future health care rationing and why every nation will ration health spending - future health care keynote speaker
Future Health Care and Pharma Keynote Speaker
Mercy Killing and Assisted Suicide. Pro euthanasia? Arguments against euthanasia. History of euthanasia.
As a care of the dying specialist in the past I have often been asked to kill people - which is euthanasia, mercy killing or assisted suicide. The article is based on an address given in the House of Lords, Westminster in the early 1990s to Members of both Houses of Parliament, and on what I wrote in my first book The Truth about AIDS published in 1987. Many country laws have changed since but the principles of good patient care described below have not. Sometimes relatives have taken me on one side and told me they cannot bear it any more: "Isn't there something you can do to end it all?" More often requests for euthanasia have come from those who are ill. I remember visiting a man with lung cancer. He asked his wife to leave the room. As she closed the door he leaned over and grabbed my arm. "I want to die", he said. "Please can you give me something." He felt a burden on his wife and wanted euthanasia for himself. People are often more afraid of the process of dying than of death itself. Reasons why I am totally opposed to euthanasia.
Read more: Euthanasia - when people want to die, how should doctors respond - and role of the law courts in deciding. Why I have always been completely against legalisation of euthanasia. Dr Patrick Dixon is a physician with Hospice experience, and global Futurist