Future of Education, Universities, Keynote Speaker
Future is about emotion -- look at power of chat screens. Intense connection for students.
Passion to connect with other people. Harness new technology in education sullabus.
Video on future of education, high schools, colleges, universities, curriculum, trends, syllabus, exams, assessments, business schools, MBAs, degree courses - by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist conference keynote speaker for NAIS.
Read more: Crisis in Future of Education - all great teaching means connecting with passion - Education keynote speaker
Future of Education, Universities, Keynote Speaker
Old style education focus on memory and knowledge. New style education needs to focus on how to find immediate answers to complex problems from a starting point of ignorance, using new technology. How education promotes useless skills and neglects primary requirements eg instant summary of state of knowledge, fine to draw heavily on existing material. But in education such a summary could be rejected as plagiarism. But in business originality is often less important than a superb summary. Radical changes needed in examinations, assessments. Future of examinations -- online, using keyboard to prepare answers, assistance is allowed, using existing sources is encouraged. Impact of Google on education.
Read more: Crisis in Future of Education - Why High Schools and Colleges are preparing students for world which no longer exists. Artificial Intelligence is only the beginning - Education Trends Keynote Speaker