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EU - 10 KINGS - Daniel 7 v23+24 (The 4th beast and 4th kingdom)?
'Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces. And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise' [Daniel 7 v23+24 (KJV)]
10 COUNTRIES in EU (1970-1975)
In 1970, Britain, Ireland, Denmark and Norway were about to apply for membership of the Common Market. The original Six saw that these four countries would control 90 per cent of Europe's fishing industry. So they prepared a cunning plan; just hours before the application arrived they declared that all fish in western waters would be regarded as a Common European Resource. This was illegal under the Treaty of Rome, and the Six knew it was. || A decision had to be made by January 1973. || Thanks to the treason of Heath, the British Fishing Industry today faces terminal disaster. Thanks too to Heath, misrepresentation about the purpose and nature of the European Union are part of the stock-in-trade of every pro-EU politician, even though the purpose of the EU, to forge a European Supra-National Confederacy, has been well known to the British Government from the earliest days.
In 1975 most Britons who voted FOR continuing in the European project (66 per cent) believed they were voting to become a member of "a Free Trade" area. || With Britain 'sown up' in 1975, joining France and Germany and other less powerful Nations, it was the real 'beginning of the end' of a slow motion coup d'etat (a sudden violent seizure of power from a government) that began in 1918, some say 1914.
Where we are now:
1. Since 1972 The Queen has illegally signed five of the six EU Treaties.
2. The five treaties define and build the EU as an unelected dictatorship.
3. The EU's laws, passed by Westminster, give it the powers of a police state.
4. The sixth EU treaty will complete the abolition of Britain as a nation
- the Queen is due to sign it this year.
As a foreign power, the EU, will then rule us, and enforce the laws of a police state.
Clause I-6 of the EU Constitution states 'EU Constitution and law has primacy over those of the member states.' - ***!!!A nation can only have one constitution; this clause conceals the fact that it abolishes the British Constitution and Westminster!!!***
Shouldn't we repeal the 1972 European Communities Act now
before we are imprisoned permanently inside? We've only got till July 2008.
Please fight the campaigns -
If true, you have to ask whether this is God's will???
God bless,