| Viagra may cause a rare form of blindness - risk small with very few cases among 23 million users - first reports in 2005. Possible risk of blindness from non-arteritic ischaemic optic neuropathy. This is a rare condition in which blood supply is reduced to the optic nerve causing permanent nerve damage, and research workers at the University of Minnesota believe they have detected a cluster of cases of blindness from this cause in men who have taken Viagra. The US Food and Drug Administration has also identified 50 men with blindness who have taken Viagra, but who also had diabetes and heart disease. However these problems with blindness need to be seen in the context of 23 million users, most of which have experienced significant benefit to their sex lives, and the fact that blindness is a known risk in those with both diabetes and cardiovascular disease. |
 | Cialis may rival Viagra as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. The launch of Viagra, the world's first treatment for impotency was an instant success. Now, Lilly ICOS has tapped into the demand for Viagra with Cialis, Viagra's first direct competitor, and there is more to come. Cialis has key advantages over Viagra and could develop blockbuster status. Cialis is a joint venture between Eli Lilly and ICOS. Cialis is available on prescription in the UK, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Australia. Cialis has yet to be approved in the US. Viagra works for roughly four hours with an hour's delay. Cialis starts working faster than Viagra, sometimes in 16 minutes, and lasts 24 hours. In France, it has been dubbed 'Le Weekend' pill. Unlike Viagra, Cialis does not interact with with food or alcohol - Viagra is best taken on an empty stomach. Side effects of Cialis seem similar to Viagra eg headaches and indigestion. GlaxoSmithKline/Bayer's Levitra is expected to launch in 2003. Pfizer is trying to block US launches of Cialis and Levitra, but similar legal action in Europe failed. Various sources February 2003. |
 | Viagra may be causing a small number of deaths in men with heart disease by causing platelets in the blood to stick together - clumping of platelets is important in causing heart attack and stroke. Viagra increases a compound in cells called cyclic guanosine monophosphate, or cGMP. Majority of deaths associated with the 50 mg Viagra dose. Viagra deaths seem to be due to cardiovascular causes, 66% within 4-5 hours of taking Viagra in men less than 65 years of age, and who had no reported cardiac risk factors - Viagra study by Dr. Xiaoping Du of the University of Illinois at Chicago - Cell Journal January 2003 |
 | Viagra does not damage sight - except rarely in those with damaged optic blood vessels. Viagra can change vision in some people - who see a blue tinge which wears off several hours after Viagra use. Viagra study by Dr Tim McCulley, assistant professor of ophthalmology at Irvine - Opthalmogica Journal January 2003 |
 | Two new drugs, Cialis and Levitra, may soon challenge Viagra. Cialis is approved in Europe, and lasts up to three times longer than Viagra, up to 36 hours. And Levitra works about twice as fast as Viagra, in 20 minutes. Both new drugs have fewer side effects than Viagra. January 2003
 | As I predicted several years ago, illegal seizure of black market Viagra is now common. Viagra is on sale in many nightclubs, where it is often used with ecstasy. January 2003 |
 | Viagra for women for infertility treatment - 10 British women have conceived taking Viagra. Dr Mohammed Taranissi, Director of Assisted Reproduction and Gynaecology Centre in London said Viagra worked on women with thin uterus lining. "Very early days but promising". Work heavily condemned by Lord Winston - UK leading IVF / infertility pioneer who warned of another Thalidomide disaster since Viagra had not been tested on pregnany women and Viagra could damage the unborn child. Herald also Times 23 October 2000 |
 | US study suggests insurers should pay for Viagra as the treatment has been shown to be lower cost than many alternatives. Detroit News 22 June 2000 |
 | Sales boom of Viagra in war-torn Kashmir following many cases of impotence caused by combat stress, torture and other traumas. Australian 24 June 2000 |
 | Within the next two years Vardenafil will be introduced by Bayer. The product will be an alternative to Pfizer's Viagra. European Chemical News 12 June 2000 |
 | Viagra well tolerated by men with type 1 and type 2 diabetes according to US study. Chemical News Database 12 June 2000 |
 | Viagra does not cause direct adverse cardiovascular effects in men with severe coronary artery disease, according to a new study. Viagra study reinforces the official line taken by the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology that Viagra can be safely used by men with stable cardiovascular disease, providing they are not taking nitrate drugs. New England Journal of Medicine 1 June 2000 |
 | 83 year-old British man arrested for forging Viagra script - after doctors limit him to just 4 tablets a month. Not enough he says - life revolutionized by the drug. Reuters: 29 October 1999 |
 | Internet Viagra sites growing with major concerns about safety of use where there has been no face-to-face medical consultation. State of Illinois issues legal challenge to many US sites but 1 in 6 web-sites selling Viagra are based in Britain. Times: 28 October 1999 |
 | Reports of Viagra deaths remain rare considering the number of Viagra users but are almost always linked with pre-existing heart disease. Many cardiologists believe these Viagra deaths to be the result of exertion during intercourse. Christchurch Press NZ: 22 October 1999 |
 | Viagra sales up 77% to $249m in last quarter - after a dip which followed a massive take-up on launch. Reuters 19 October 1999 |
 | Viagra helps women - growing number of studies show that Viagra can have a huge effect on women's sexual function - so long as the situation is one she would normally find enjoyable, arousing and emotionally fulfilling. Various reports October 1999 |
 | Viagra helps women: University of Boston double blind placebo controlled trial on 17 women for several months, showed definite help to women after hysterectomy or menopause. Independent: 5 May 1999 |
 | Pfizer - maker of Viagra - asks Edinburgh University to investigate ways that men with heart disease can take Viagra more safely after reports of deaths, and insistence by Federal authorities that Viagra bottles are clearly marked with health warnings for those taking nitrates for chest pain or high blood pressure. Scottish Daily Record 6 May 1999 |
 | Viagra record of 2.9 million US scripts in first 3 months almost broken by Celebrex, new anti-arthritis drug launched in 1999 (2.5 million). Scotsman: 21 April 1999 |
 | 65% of Viagra users with no good results go on to try MUSE (alprostadil) if offered. 71% report improvement and 65% chose to continue with MUSE instead. MUSE is made by Vivus Inc. Trial of 285 people for whom Viagra did nothing. Tulane University Medical School. MUSE is a synthetic prostaglandin inserted into the urethra using a special device and producing results for up to 60 minutes with no direct effect on the heart or blood pressure. M2 Presswire 10 May 1999 |
 | Viagra health risks: apomorphine drug Uprima may be answer for some patients - if approved in US. It targets brain cells rather than genitals directly. America Urology Meeting reported April 1999. |
 | China passes Viagra in clinical tests. China Online: 26 April 1999 |
Until I found this I thought I'd have to spend the day inisde.