Keynote speaker on global trends, author of 16 Futurist books - Patrick Dixon.
Spirituality, World Religion, Christianity, Church
Video of presentation by Patrick Dixon to 400 church leaders from every part of the world, representing the oversight of the Lausanne Movement, meeting in Bangalore in 2014. Key global trends and what they mean for church leaders and for church growth. Why people movements are so vital in the spread of faith globally. How do we interpret what Jesus called "The signs of the times"? Why new patterns of mission will be needed.
Read more: How People Movements Change our World - Future Trends impact on the Church and Christian mission - VIDEO
BioTech and MedTech Keynote Speaker
Here is the third video in the series by Patrick Dixon on the future of health care - produced for Leica Microsystems.
Themes: biotech, stem cells and a wide range of gene-based tools to transform human health and well being, even slowing down or stopping the ageing process itself.
Need a world-class health care speaker for your event? Phone or e-mail Patrick Dixon now.
Read more: Future of Health Care and Biotech / Future of Ageing, human cloning, stem cells, oncolytic viruses, - video 3 by Patrick Dixon for Leica Microsystems
Future Health Care and Pharma Keynote Speaker
Future of MedTech - this is video 2 out of a series of 3 on the future of Health Care, made by Dr Patrick Dixon, Futurist health care keynote speaker for Leica Microsystems. Astonishing advances we will see in next decade driven by med tech. Convergence: biotech, nanotech, digital, physics, chemistry. Ability to read your genome in 2 hours. Fusion of fluidics, physics, immunology. Falling cost per genome. Biodigital brains and thought control. Role of Big Data and cloud processing – combine medical records, lifestyle info, gene profiles, pharmacogenomics. Genes for speech, memory, murder, shyness and happiness. Genetic prophecy and ethical issues for insurers. And the ultimate nano-tech robot is….. Need a world-class medical technology speaker for your event? Phone or e-mail Patrick Dixon now.
Read more: Future of Health Care and MedTech - astonishing innovations to transform diagnosis and treatment. Health trends keynote speaker for Leica Microsystems- VIDEO
Future Health Care and Pharma Keynote Speaker
Video 1 of 3 on future of health care - including hospital care, diagnostics, pharma trends, community care, government funding. Videos made for Leica Microsystems by Patrick Dixon. Major health advances e.g. Endoscopy - $75bn market by 2022 – and stents etc. Ability to detect live cancer cells in operations (Dune). Cancer therapy. Heart disease and stroke management. Better understanding of lifestyle / nutrition / neutraceuticals. Alzheimers and mitochondria boost (both see again under ageing in video 3). Computer-aided diagnosis. Digitised patient records. Huge expansion community care. Telemonitoring and home testing. Virtual medicine. Web tools for patients – know more than their doctors. Social media – sharing experience / scoring carers. Need a world-class health trends speaker for your event? Phone or e-mail Patrick Dixon now.
Read more: Future of Health Care research, funding, hospitals, community care - first in series of 3 videos for Leica Microsystems covering every aspect of health trends - what future health will look like in by 2040