Future Trends, Economy, Markets, Keynote Speaker
Examples from global banks, pharmaceutical companies and manufacturing. How market analysts push for mergers, acquisitions, demergers and company breakup.
Profits for lawyers and banks but most mergers destroy shareholder value. Rationale for global corporations and economies of scale.
Talent often leaves corporations soon after a merger is announced, taking intellectual capital, customer knowledge and relationships. Mergers of two corporations and two cultures can look ...
Read more: Globalisation: Mergers and Demergers Chaos
Future Marketing Keynotes, Mobile,Digital Consumer
Target groups marketing Impact of tribalism on business: culture, niche markets, consumer groups, cultural belonging, family, team leadership, community, business unit, neighborhood, village, town, nation. Language and culture in tribal marketing. Tribal links based on interests, location, business. Social networking and new online tribes. How to strengthen corporate tribes, brand loyalty and customer commitment. Impact of Web 2.0, blogs, blogging and social networking ...
Read more: Marketing to Tribes, consumer groups, targets social marketing