Keynote speaker on global trends, author of 16 Futurist books - Patrick Dixon.
BioTech and MedTech Keynote Speaker
Chapter 2 of Island of Bolay - thriller by Patrick Dixon. Published originally by Harper Collins, sold in Airports and bookshops, now available on Kindle. Germ warfare agents have fallen into terrorist hands. An air ambulance doctor is soon running for his life, after discovering the deadly truth...
The 10.45 Zakintos, Greece
As John Bradley hung up, thirty year old Dr David Miller strode into the tiny office of Zakintos Island hospital, slammed the door, stuffed the stethoscope in his pocket, flung his powerful six foot frame in the chair. He threw his broad feet on the walnut desk facing the wall and pulled a cigarette. He was sweating in the afternoon heat, angry, brown hair all over the place, dark brown-green intensely alert eyes. He tore at collar and tie and pulled out his phone.
Mark Taylor, nineteen years old yesterday, was lying in a room chock full of old men, surrounded by crowds of women in black and numbers of children. Just one nurse for the whole corridor and she spoke no English. Julia Cousins, the flight-nurse, was cleaning Mark up - it was a hellish place to be sick. Families had to do their own nursing, best as they could.
Miller tried to dial Hugh, the pilot of Air Ambulance but the phone was engaged.
The white plaster wall by his right hand showed the red flecks of dead mosquitoes. A beautifully carved wooden icon of Christ hung from a nail by the shuttered window. Amanda would have liked it. The room reeked of disinfectant and pipe tobacco.
Miller meddled with the unlit cigarette, broke it twice and threw it in the bin. He threw the other six away with the empty packet. A baby cried in the corridor. For the third time that week he vowed he would never have another smoke. He watched as his shoes shed films of dust on newspapers which lay on the desk. He glanced at the headlines. Troops guarding the Golden Dome of Jerusalem. Ten Muslims dead at the entrance, shot by Israeli soldiers. Yet another flare-up in a bloody month which had seen more deaths in Israel than in the previous five years. Syria and Iran piling on the pressure again.
This was routine air ambulance. Not so big a challenge after three years as an army medic. Should have been killed outright. The boy had skidded off a scooter on gravel. No helmet. No shoes. Shorts and a shirt. Just like sixteen others in the last four months. Scooters should be banned.
Coming too fast round a hairpin, he’d swerved against a wall, bounced into the road, slid along his bare side, ended in a ditch. Several broken vertebrae, massive grazes, skin missing down right leg and arm, possible skull fracture, three broken ribs on right chest wall. Lucky to be alive. It was immoral of these bike companies not to warn people. They should make them take helmets as condition for insurance if nothing else.
Read more: The Island of Bolay - Chapter 2 - novel about germ warfare, terrorist threat
Future Marketing Keynotes, Mobile,Digital Consumer
VIDEO: Future of Marketing - entire keynote at Confinn October 2021 for 800 in theatre and 300 virtually - Lithuania. Watch other videos of keynotes on marketing strategy, AI marketing tools, online communities, mobile apps, direct mail, network marketing, email, strategies, ideas, relationship marketing, campaign slogans, market research, selling to consumers, consumer trends. Multichannel marketing, marketing in social networks. Keynotes on how to build strong brands, trust and loyal customers. 10 steps to stronger Marketing Plans. Why traditional advertising is dying.
What will be the future of marketing? What are future marketing trends for 2030?What will advertising look like in 2025? What will be the future of digital marketing in 2035?Many other videos from recent keynotes around the world: 9 million views. Need a world-class marketing keynote speaker? Phone Patrick Dixon now or email. Read FREE SAMPLE of The Future of Almost Everything - his latest book.* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books. It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including the impact of AI on the future of marketing.
Read more: Future of Marketing 2030 - Marketing Videos, key marketing trends and impact of AI on marketing campaigns. Conference Keynote Speaker on Marketing - 234,000 have read this post. Marketing Keynote Speaker: CALL NOW +44 7768 511390
Leadership, Strategy, Business Ethics - Keynotes
Message of this video will change your life and strengthen your business. Building a Better Business by building a better world.
Show how you make a difference in the lives of your customers, clients, consumers.
Biggest ethical test for every culture and every nation: creating a better world, improving life for people. Core value to drive every political debate, underwrites all laws, basis of all team leadership impossible to lead effectively for long without this principle.
Read more: Secret of Business Success: THE most important leadership value in world. Future of Leadership Keynote Speaker
Future of Retail Keynote Speaker, e-commerce
How sales of budget brands AND super-premium brands are both set to grow. Future of retail industry and trends in sales of luxury goods and services. Economic crisis, austerity, fall in personal disposable income, increase in taxation, rise in unemployment, cuts in government spending.
All these economic factors will force more people to buy budget brands. However, expect the wealth gap between the rich and poor to increase in every nation, especially...
Read more: Growth of Budget Brands AND Super Premium. Retail industry trends