Truth about AI and Sustainability - huge positive impact of AI on ESG UN goals, but energy consumed

AI will help a sustainable future - despite massive energy and water consumption. AI Keynote speaker

The TRUTH about AI. How AI will change your life - new AI book, beyond all the hype. Practical Guide

How AI Will Change Your Life: author, AI keynote speaker Patrick Dixon, Heathrow Airport WH Smiths

How AI will change your life - a Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World - Patrick Dixon is a Global Keynote Speaker on AI, Author of 18 BOOKS, Europe's Leading Futurist with 25 year track record advising large multinationals - CALL NOW +44 7768 511390

How AI Will Change Your Life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World - Patrick Dixon signs books and talks about key messages - future of AI, how AI will change us all, how to respond to AI in business, personal life, government. CALL +44 7768 511390

Future of Sales and Marketing in 2030: physical audience of 800 + 300 virtual at hybrid event. Digital marketing / AI, location marketing. How to create MAGIC in new marketing campaigns. Future of Marketing Keynote Speaker

TRUST is the most important thing you sell. Even more TRUE for every business because of AI. How to BUILD TRUST, win market share, retain contracts, gain customers. Future logistics and supply chain management. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Future of Artificial intelligence - discussion on AI opportunities and Artificial Intelligence threats. From AI predictions to Artificial Intelligence control of our world. What is the risk of AI destroying our world? Truth about Artificial Intelligence

How to make virtual keynotes more real and engaging - how I appeared as an "avatar" on stage when I broke my ankle and could not fly to give opening keynote on innovation in aviation for. ZAL event in Hamburg

"I'm doing a new book" - 60 seconds to make you smile. Most people care about making a difference, achieving great things, in a great team but are not interested in growth targets. Over 270,000 views of full leadership keynote for over 4000 executives

Futurist Keynote Speakers - how Futurist Keynotes transform events, change thinking, enlarge vision, sharpen strategic thinking, identify opportunities and risks. Patrick Dixon is one of the world's best known Futurist Keynote Speaker

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Colonies on Mars, space travel and how digital / Artificial Intelligence / AI will help us live decades longer - comment before Futurist keynote for 1400 at Avnet Silica event. Futurist Keynote Speaker on AI

Future of Travel and Tourism post COVID. Boom for live experiences beyond AI. What hunger for "experience" means for future aviation, airlines, hotels, restaurants, concerts halls, trends in leisure events, theme parks. Travel Industry Keynote Speaker

Quiet Quitters: 50% US workforce wish they were working elsewhere. How engage Quiet Quitters and transform to highly engaged team members. Why AI / Artificial Intelligence is not answer. How to tackle the Great Resignation. Human Resources Keynote Speaker

The Great Resignation. 50% of US workers are Quiet Quitters. They have left in their hearts, don't believe any longer in your strategy. 40% want to leave in 12 months. Connect with PURPOSE to win Quiet Quitters. Human Resources Keynote Speaker

Future of Human Resources. Virtual working, motivating hybrid teams, management, future of motivation and career development. How to develop high performance teams. HR Keynote Speaker

Speed of change often slower than people expect! I have successfully forecast major trends for global companies for over 25 years. Focus on factors driving long term changes, with agile strategies for inevitable disruptive events. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Agile leadership for Better Risk Management. Inflation spike in 2022-3 - what next? Expect more disruptive events, while megatrends will continue relentlessly to shape longer term future globally in relatively predictable ways. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Crazy customers! Changing customer expectations. Why many decisions are irrational. Amusing stories. Lessons for Leadership, Management and Marketing - Futurist Keynote Speaker VIDEO

Keynote speaker on global trends, author of 16 Futurist books - Patrick Dixon.

Future of Education in 2030. Impact of AI / Artificial Intelligence on schools and colleges for the next 30 years. Trends in High School education, Colleges, Universities, Business Schools and Post-Graduate Education. Keynote speaker

Future of Education, Universities, Keynote Speaker

School and college is all about preparing a new generation for their own future, but most teaching is locked into the past.

In many cases, we need to be educating for jobs that have yet to be invented, instead of training for tasks that no longer exist or are about to be eliminated due to tools such as AI / Artificial Intelligence.

The COVID pandemic forced major changes in education, some of which will endure.  Over the next three decades, education will start younger in many nations than today.  Education outside the home for 3-5 year olds increased by 10% to 85% in OECD nations in the last decade.  This will be driven by two-career parents, and by research showing how important early learning is to later success.

Take examinations: how absurd to force young people to scribe indelible symbols onto pieces of paper, and to lock them into rooms without access to their digital brains. Cambridge University is considering allowing students to write exam papers on laptops, partly because examiners can’t read their terrible handwriting. Many other Universities have already started giving permission to write exams answers on computers if people have a disability which means that writing is difficult or impossible.  Yet handwriting in exams will still be the dominant mechanism for proving student knowledge by the year 2030 in almost every part of the world. Work means using keyboards, not pen and ink.

And all that was before the rapid growth of AI.  Artificial Intelligence destroyed the purpose of course work in 2022-2023 because from that point on it was so easy for students to get AI to write the course work for them. So at every level, education in most countries, whether school or university or post-grad, is locked into a last century time warp.

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including future impact of AI on education, schools and colleges.

Read more: Future of Education in 2030. Impact of AI / Artificial Intelligence on schools and colleges for the next 30 years. Trends in High School education, Colleges, Universities, Business Schools and Post-Graduate Education. Keynote speaker


Future of the insurance industry. Insurance will be vital to economic growth.Huge boom in emerging markets driven by 85% of the world with no insurance of any kind. Managing insurance risks with better underwriting linked to AI. Insurance keynote speaker

Future of Insurance - Keynote Speaker on Risk

I have advised many of the world's largest insurers and reinsurance companies on managing risk and identifying key trends.

Insurance is as fundamental to a stable and prosperous society as banking, hospitals and schools.Y et more than 3 billion people have never heard of insurance, do not know how it works, and have no idea how to get hold of it.

Expect rapid growth, therefore, of basic insurance in emerging markets, targeted mainly at the emerging middle class.

Health insurance will lead the way, after insurance types that people are forced by law to buy, such as motor insurance. Expect a boost in many nations in sales of life or health products, encouraged by tax rebates, especially where they are structured to contain an element of saving.

Many who are unbanked today will gain their first insurance cover using a smartphone, or through micro-loans groups and savings associations.

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including future impact of AI on the insurance industry globally, including AI underwriting, AI risk management, and AI claims handling / fraud detection.

Read more: Future of the insurance industry. Insurance will be vital to economic growth.Huge boom in emerging markets driven by 85% of the world with no insurance of any kind. Managing insurance risks with better underwriting linked to AI. Insurance keynote speaker


Future of Law Firms, Accountancy, Auditing and Global Consulting Companies, Professional Service Firms. Future of government regulation on professional services. Why compliance is dead except to keep people out of prison. Focus on Ethics - Keynote speaker

Law Firms, Accountancy, Professional Services

There are very few global consulting and accounting firms, and this is already causing big problems for regulators, unhappy when the same companies audit the same accounts for years. We should be worried when auditors are from the same organisation as consultants, when huge companies find members of their teams on both sides of complex deals. It is hardly surprising that so many audits of multinationals have turned out to be so misleading to investors.

Arthur Andersen disappeared almost overnight as a result of the Enron scandal, and it will only take one more such event to create a crisis, because only three global firms would remain. Expect further regulations about companies needing to change their auditors every few years, and more restrictions on conflicts of interest.

As I predicted, Auditors are becoming more strictly audited themselves regarding their own performance.  Auditors will increasingly be held legally responsible when banks or insurers or other types of company fail spectacularly, soon after a clean audit. It is outrageous that global auditors have been able to walk away without penalty, from large companies that collapse, only days or weeks after being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to vet them for accounting irregularities and risks.

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including future impact of AI on professional service firms including Law Firms and Accounting.

Read more: Future of Law Firms, Accountancy, Auditing and Global Consulting Companies, Professional Service Firms. Future of government regulation on professional services. Why compliance is dead except to keep people out of prison. Focus on Ethics - Keynote speaker


Reactions against Virtual Work and Relationships - Life beyond Covid - what it means for retail, music, leisure and the workplace, for dating, families, wider world. Why there will always be premium for "breathing the same air". Teams need to meet

Future Relationships, Family, Marriage, Divorce

Personal lives are measured in minutes, major events in seconds. And COVID has forced our world to become even more virtual. Our world is obsessed with instant information. 

Digital addiction was already one of the commonest causes of anxiety, depression and complete mental breakdown, particularly among young people, before COVID, even more so during lockdown.

During the height of the COVID crisis, hundreds of millions have been forced to spend far more time online or on video calls than they would otherwise have chosen, and much of that will revert.

Before the pandemic began, the average 15-25 year old in the UK already spent an average of 4 hours a day on a mobile, checking for messages every 9 minutes, with time online directly correlated with risk of mental health issues.

But that is nothing compared to the Philippines, where a 2019 survey reported people saying that they spent an average of 10 hours online.

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including future impact of AI on virtual working, office working, jobs, and team building.

Read more: Reactions against Virtual Work and Relationships - Life beyond Covid - what it means for retail, music, leisure and the workplace, for dating, families, wider world. Why there will always be premium for "breathing the same air". Teams need to meet


Future of the Music Industry - impact of AI, life beyond COVID, importance of live events, spatial audio, copyright protection using blockchain - NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), next generation streaming. Media and Music industry trends - keynote speaker

Media, Films, Music, TV, Radio, Print - Keynotes

The music industry post-COVID will face meltdown and chaos, then rebound.

Before the COVID pandemic Music was still a $74bn a year industry, despite digital change, and spent $15bn a year on new recordings, ut big labels were already in crisis, threatened by streaming services which already generate $8bn a year in revenues. American music revenues collapsed from $14.6 billion in 1999 to $6.3 billion in 2009, but began to recover after slashing costs.

Over 50% of their revenues in some nations already come from digital streaming, which grew 45% in 2017 in the UK, with overall revenues growing by 10.6%.  But then COVID-19 hit, which resulted in three big changes.  Firstly, more time listening at home, and secondly complete freeze in live performances, and thirdly, great difficulty in bringing groups of musicians, writers, producers and others together to create new music.

Just before the COVID pandemic, 60% of music industry revenues were from live performances, up from 33% in 2000. And live music will return. Indeed the more virtual our lives, the greater the premium for breathing the same air as real musicians, hence buskers on the street continue to earn significant amounts if they are talented.

Despite talk of NFTs / non-fungible tokens, based on blockchains, being used to protect music copyright or in licensing, their use will be very limited over the next 5 years, mainly held back by massive energy requirements to run blockchains.

* "How AI Will Change your life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World" - Patrick Dixon's latest book on AI is published in September 2024 by Profile Books.  It contains 38 chapters on the impact of AI across different industries, government and our wider world, including future impact of AI on the music industry, music production, performances, music composing and music streaming platforms.

Read more: Future of the Music Industry - impact of AI, life beyond COVID, importance of live events, spatial audio, copyright protection using blockchain - NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), next generation streaming. Media and Music industry trends - keynote speaker


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