Banks, Banking, Insurance, Fund Management
Video from 2010 but JUST as urgent and relevant today.
Fund management really matters - as vital to society as hospitals and schools because it protects the wealth of us all as pensioners. For many years, I have given keynotes on global investment trends to Fund Managers from across the world. I have had over $1 trillion of funds under management of a single audience. But here is a shocking fact. A significant proportion of fund managers (usually the great majority) at events I have spoken at over the last few years lack confidence in their own actively managed investment funds. For example, most tell me (straw polling during presentations) that they do not recommend their own products to friends and family, and do not commit their own wealth into their own funds unless they need to as part of the job. If fund managers do not believe they are adding value, it becomes a serious ethical issue if those retail funds continue to be actively marketed. Life is too short to sell things you don’t believe in. So what is the future of actively managed funds?...
Read more: Next Financial miss-selling crisis? Future of Fund Management. Why most fund managers I talk to do not recommend their own retail actively managed funds. Impact on Future of Banking and Pension Funds. Fund Management Keynote Speaker - POST and VIDEO
AI Artificial Intelligence Robotics Cybersecurity
What happens when you combine Robotics, Artificial Intelligence / AI, the Internet of Things, Big Data and Cloud Computing, to the world of banking, telcos, mobile devices and personal computers?
The answer is the you get the biggest target for criminals that the world has ever seen - all waiting online to be attached and exploited in a billion different ways using little more than a couple of computers, owned by very smart geeks. Never in human history has it been possible for one person, sitting in a bedroom at home in a distant land, to create such havoc and chaos, to seize such power. So what do we do about it?
Cyber-crime will be one of the greatest threats to our world over the next 50 years, and far beyond, into centuries to come. There is no way back from such a future, except by dismantling all the global e-systems that link us increasingly together. (Extract from book The Future of Almost Everything by Futurist keynote speaker Patrick Dixon.)
Read more: How a single hack could destroy your company. With 3bn accounts hacked in just one company, cyberattacks are greatest risk to large business, nations and wider world. Truth about Cybersecurity and AI. What to do about it. Futurist keynote speaker - POST