Truth about AI and Sustainability - huge positive impact of AI on ESG UN goals, but energy consumed

AI will help a sustainable future - despite massive energy and water consumption. AI Keynote speaker

The TRUTH about AI. How AI will change your life - new AI book, beyond all the hype. Practical Guide

How AI Will Change Your Life: author, AI keynote speaker Patrick Dixon, Heathrow Airport WH Smiths

How AI will change your life - a Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World - Patrick Dixon is a Global Keynote Speaker on AI, Author of 18 BOOKS, Europe's Leading Futurist with 25 year track record advising large multinationals - CALL NOW +44 7768 511390

How AI Will Change Your Life - A Futurist's Guide to a Super-Smart World - Patrick Dixon signs books and talks about key messages - future of AI, how AI will change us all, how to respond to AI in business, personal life, government. CALL +44 7768 511390

Future of Sales and Marketing in 2030: physical audience of 800 + 300 virtual at hybrid event. Digital marketing / AI, location marketing. How to create MAGIC in new marketing campaigns. Future of Marketing Keynote Speaker

TRUST is the most important thing you sell. Even more TRUE for every business because of AI. How to BUILD TRUST, win market share, retain contracts, gain customers. Future logistics and supply chain management. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Future of Artificial intelligence - discussion on AI opportunities and Artificial Intelligence threats. From AI predictions to Artificial Intelligence control of our world. What is the risk of AI destroying our world? Truth about Artificial Intelligence

How to make virtual keynotes more real and engaging - how I appeared as an "avatar" on stage when I broke my ankle and could not fly to give opening keynote on innovation in aviation for. ZAL event in Hamburg

"I'm doing a new book" - 60 seconds to make you smile. Most people care about making a difference, achieving great things, in a great team but are not interested in growth targets. Over 270,000 views of full leadership keynote for over 4000 executives

Futurist Keynote Speakers - how Futurist Keynotes transform events, change thinking, enlarge vision, sharpen strategic thinking, identify opportunities and risks. Patrick Dixon is one of the world's best known Futurist Keynote Speaker

Futurist Keynote Speaker: Colonies on Mars, space travel and how digital / Artificial Intelligence / AI will help us live decades longer - comment before Futurist keynote for 1400 at Avnet Silica event. Futurist Keynote Speaker on AI

Future of Travel and Tourism post COVID. Boom for live experiences beyond AI. What hunger for "experience" means for future aviation, airlines, hotels, restaurants, concerts halls, trends in leisure events, theme parks. Travel Industry Keynote Speaker

Quiet Quitters: 50% US workforce wish they were working elsewhere. How engage Quiet Quitters and transform to highly engaged team members. Why AI / Artificial Intelligence is not answer. How to tackle the Great Resignation. Human Resources Keynote Speaker

The Great Resignation. 50% of US workers are Quiet Quitters. They have left in their hearts, don't believe any longer in your strategy. 40% want to leave in 12 months. Connect with PURPOSE to win Quiet Quitters. Human Resources Keynote Speaker

Future of Human Resources. Virtual working, motivating hybrid teams, management, future of motivation and career development. How to develop high performance teams. HR Keynote Speaker

Speed of change often slower than people expect! I have successfully forecast major trends for global companies for over 25 years. Focus on factors driving long term changes, with agile strategies for inevitable disruptive events. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Agile leadership for Better Risk Management. Inflation spike in 2022-3 - what next? Expect more disruptive events, while megatrends will continue relentlessly to shape longer term future globally in relatively predictable ways. Futurist Keynote Speaker

Crazy customers! Changing customer expectations. Why many decisions are irrational. Amusing stories. Lessons for Leadership, Management and Marketing - Futurist Keynote Speaker VIDEO

Keynote speaker on global trends, author of 16 Futurist books - Patrick Dixon.


Sustainable energy in cities: Green Tech impact on construction and the built environment, Net Zero homes and offices. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) role in reducing carbon emissions in cities. Smart cities. Future of Construction Keynote Speaker - VIDEO

Future Construction and Smart Cities

Huge importance of CHP Combined Heat and Power for sustainable heating in cities. Large scale, efficient, integrating multiple energy sources ranging from gas to solar, wind, biomass, heat pumps and so on.  Expect Combined Heat and Power to be increasingly insisted on by government regulators for larger projects, coupled with high insulation and green power generation where possible.

Comments on visit to Brussels after giving keynote to Euroheat and Power in France recently. Huge challenge in meeting carbon emission targets and reducing threat from climate change / global warming. Decarbonising energy production is relatively easy - converting power generation from coal to gas, adding solar and wind etc.

Read more: Sustainable energy in cities: Green Tech impact on construction and the built environment, Net Zero homes and offices. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) role in reducing carbon emissions in cities. Smart cities. Future of Construction Keynote Speaker - VIDEO


The Future of Banking – futurist keynote speaker on bank trends, customer expectations, cybersecurity, fraud risk, Fintech innovation, mobile payments, blockchain and bitcoin. Futurist keynote speaker - long post on banking

Banks, Banking, Insurance, Fund Management

As a Futurist I have been advising global leadership teams of the world’s largest banks for over 20 years on a wide range of new opportunities, issues, risks and macro trends. The conversations have changed over the years far less than you might imagine: many of the old challenges still remain, while the urgency for radical change has never been greater.

In our densely interconnected world, every trend below will link to every other trend, often in complex ways, and the list below is not in order of importance, with greatest focus on the future of retail banking.  

Here are just a few of the wider banking trends that are particularly bright on my own radar screen at the moment. There are many others....

Read more: The Future of Banking – futurist keynote speaker on bank trends, customer expectations, cybersecurity, fraud risk, Fintech innovation, mobile payments, blockchain and bitcoin. Futurist keynote speaker - long post on banking


Future of Heat and Power in Cities in race towards zero carbon - how our world will migrate from traditional gas boilers - one of greatest emitters of CO2. Central heat and power (CHP) Futurist keynote at Euroheat and Power event - VIDEO of entire keynote

Future GreenTech, Sustainability Keynote Speaker

Here is the video of my keynote for Euroheat and Power Congress.

The theme was next generation green tech innovation:  

how to transform heating of homes, factories, offices, hospitals and schools using combined heat and power (CHC) units, district heating units.

Futurist keynote speaker on green tech and innovation to help us respond to the climate emergency.

Read more: Future of Heat and Power in Cities in race towards zero carbon - how our world will migrate from traditional gas boilers - one of greatest emitters of CO2. Central heat and power (CHP) Futurist keynote at Euroheat and Power event - VIDEO of entire keynote


How pet ownership is changing food ethics and meat eating. Impact on food retail, food manufacturing wholesale and distribution - keynote speaker

Future of Retail Keynote Speaker, e-commerce

Expect radical changes in food ethics: changes in how consumers think and feel about the food they eat. Expect rapid growth in semi-vegetarians, as part of a progressive shift away from meat eating in developed nations and among middle class consumers in emerging nations.

What does this all mean for sales of organic meat, milk, fruit and vegetables? Expect further growth in transparency, traceability, as part of drive to build trust. Impact on farmers, farming, animal rearing, land use, pesticide and fertiliser use. Keynote by Patrick Dixon, Futurist speaker, for Boehringer Ingleheim.

Read more: How pet ownership is changing food ethics and meat eating. Impact on food retail, food manufacturing wholesale and distribution - keynote speaker


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